Friday, August 24, 2007

Final exams

I've got 4 subjects this sem

AFF5260 - Money Market Dealing
AFF5021 - Case Study for Risk Management
AFF5031 - Insurance
BTX9760 - Risk Control & Law

This sem.. the final exam really 'yeng' and crazy

AFF5260 - 100% assignment where i just trade in class
AFF5021 - Nonit study, exam is just a case study, will be held in the mid of sem, 6th October
AFF5031 - Bring home exam, the exam paper will be uploaded on 19th Oct, due 26th Oct.. YENG
BTX9760 - 2 hour open book exam....

N ppl ask me y m i slacking???


Anonymous said...

arts more slack ok. haha most of my papers are 60% essay assignment (which i love). and then 40% is TEST. don't even have exam. hehehe

good luck with your 2nd sem. =D

-tequila lizardto-

Unreal said...

Hi there, I don't know this is appropriate or not but I think it wouldn't hurt :)

I'm doing the Case studies in Risk management this semester and the final exam is next week.

We were given a theory article before hand but we are unsure of what we should do with it other than reading and trying to understand it.

Can you share your experience back then when you did this unit?

Much appreciated.