Thursday, April 14, 2011

Week 5 @ Class with The One and Only, Jackson Ng

My journal will be solely on the modules. I leave the comments on the coordinator for the others. LOL =p

I was glad to learn that business presentation was part of the NEP program because I really want to know how to deliver killer substances and yet not too ‘corny’ when I am presenting especially when it comes to something a little more technical. Besides, I always have great ideas for my presentations but I always fail to deliver them due to my stage fright.

There are a few things I picked up from class. The 8 steps in a convincing presentation, stating the problem, describe the negative effects, your recommendation, key features of the recommendation, benefits, evidence of the benefits, summary and the action that should be taken. This is a very useful tool not only for presentation but also for my usual conversation with people to sell an idea.

Always remember, “There is no perfect presentation because there is no perfect audience”.

Another thing that really got into my mind is the usage of props. It is pretty funny when I got a CD talking about the success of multi level marketing while I am presenting a topic related to my first love. But I must say, the prop really helped a lot in getting the attention of my audience.
To conclude, I have learnt some good points and bad points about my presentation techniques. Starting off with the good points, I have a good and clear voice. I have the ability to speak very loudly. From this session, I learnt that, I sometimes speak too fast. I might have problems delivering my ideas out to my audience in the future. This is something that I must work on. On top of that, speaking clearly and having the right pace really gives you an additional on-stage charisma.

I looked back at some videos and photographs taken during when I am presenting, I also learnt that I have an unconvincing body language. I hunched during my presentation, I move around aimlessly and I tend to put my hands into my pockets. All these show my lack of confidence when delivering my ideas. This is the other thing that I need to take note of.
I am glad to meet people like Mithra, Tania and the others for really presenting well. I learnt so much from them.

And lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to everyone for crying in class. It was kind of embarrassing too for me. I just wanted to show the sadness that Han Hui was having trouble with. Unfortunately for me, I went a few steps too far. Thanks Katie for the WET tissue and thank you all for the hugs and concerns. Not forgetting to thank Akmal on behalf of everyone for his feedbacks on everyone’s presentation. I honestly find it very useful.

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