Thursday, March 24, 2011

Week 2 @ The Museum

The museum presentation is certainly my favorite presentation to date. We were showered with photos and information of what would be a state-of-the-art museum anywhere in the world. And of course, the presenter played a “huge role”. Most of you would know what I mean.

It has always been my hobby to collect currencies all over the world. The easiest of course being the Ringgit. The highlight of my collection will certainly be the discontinued RM20 (I can’t afford to have RM500 back then) note, both the discontinued version and the one before. In my collections, I also have the uncut series of RM10. Just imagine having 3 pieces of RM10 glued together. Only during this NEP program, I realize it has a transportation theme behind it. Of course, there was no museum back then to tell us about the currencies. Not only that there’s going to be a museum, it actually has the Million Ringgit Tunnel. Apparently, the tunnel is a collection of the notes and all that it has since the Malaysia and Borneo currency. I would definitely be wow-ed by that.

So here’s a heads up about the museum. It is going to be open to public this coming October and it runs on a daily basis. It houses the Bank Negara Malaysia, Children’s, Islamic Finance, Economics, Numismatics and Art galleries. There is a must visit section within the Economics gallery where you will find an attraction namely, “Managing The Economy”. I would really want to get my hands on that just to get a feel of what it’s like being the Minister of Finance for one day. What makes the museum so much closer to me as it is to the many future visitors is that, I would get the chance to be visiting the museum almost every day since RMD is going to be located in the same building. I am just praying that the parking lots allocated, are sufficient to accommodate us all.

Having visited several famous museums in the world, I just can’t wait for this October. I can’t wait for kids and some foreigners to learn what the Malaysian currency is all about. See you guys there!!! And do remember to ask me out for lunch (Gentle reminder that my office is at Sasana).

Me, Mazuki and Falahi also bought the collar pin of Bank Negara and it is now a symbol of our bromance. Ki and Falai, remind me to buy the “thing” from the museum people at the end of the course.

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