Friday, August 13, 2010

2nd layer

I am blogging about this because i m so overwhelm about the mental kick that my dream gave me. Just cutting it short. Imagine that you dreamt that you got something that u can only ever imagine having it. N in the dream everything seemed so natural. And you woke up from it realizing that it was just a dream. N then the thing repeats itself, you get something that you can only imagine of having AGAIN. *Poof*, and then you wake up realizing that it was a dream again.

N when shit isn't shitting you enough,

You actually tilted your entire body and face a totally different position, and have the entire 2nd layer process all over again. Simplifying it, YES then NO, "oh really?", it's actually YES, and then NO.. N then repeat from step ONE. I actually feared of falling asleep again for the next 5 mins, which seemed like forever..

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